A for Abe and April

A few months ago I did a weekly illustration project in my Hebrew blog, where I drew scenes made up of elements starting with each letter of the Hebrew alphabet (you can see all of them on my Facebook page). Now I find myself in need of a new project, because I don’t seem to be able to draw anything not work-related outside of a structured challenge.

This time the inspiration came from a blog I found accidentally through a friend’s “Like”: Alphabooks. It started in May, and each week artists upload illustrations of book characters beginning with that week’s letter. Unfortunately I don’t read enough to limit myself to literary characters, so anything goes: movies, TV, books; even iconic historical figures, as demonstrated in the first piece: A for Abe and April.

ABCharacters: A for Abe and April

Oh, and another part of the challenge is drawing them on an iPad, both to get some practice and to get away from the PC now and then. For you artistic tablet owners out there, I strongly recommend an app called “Procreate“; it costs $4.99, and is worth every penny.

Until next time,



2 Responses to “A for Abe and April”

  1. R. says:


    I take it that you consider the character’s first name.
    Suggestions: Bilbo (Baggins), Beelzebub, Beetlejuice, Bert (is evil), Brutus (et tu)

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